Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Random bits from the Amazon

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The forest as seen from the top of the eddy-flux tower.  Walk-up tower in distance.

The Rio Tapajós as seen from the top of the eddy-flux tower.

A photoshop HDR merge shot that actually worked well

We were playing with the hemispheric iPhone camera while getting our tree work done

A really damned big leaf-mimic katydid

A tamanduá, a really fantastic arboreal anteater

The walk-up tower as seen from the eddy-flux tower

Paraponera sp. A.k.a. bullet ant.  They REALLY hurt! 

A vine flowering in the canopy of a tree

The lovely Igarapé where we regularly swam to cool off


 These show the installation of sap flow sensors in a maçaranduba tree

 Manaus from the air

 A very delicious fish a friend cooked

The famous Encontro das Águas, where the Rio Solimões and Rio Negro meet

Miles downstream the mixing of the two rivers is still incomplete

The width of the Amazon at Santarém 

 How we shot lines into trees: a REALLY big slingshot, aka BigShot

 A tall tree about to be climbed

 My encounter with a large herd of poisonous caterpillars

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